Archi-World® Academy 2017 – 2019 – edition IV | Architecture Competitions

Register September 28, 2018 | Submit October 1, 2018 | Free Architecture Competition


Archi-World® Academy 2017 – 2019 – edition IV

Challenge us with your best student project ideas


International architecture competition “Building in Smart Cities”


All projects, ideas and concepts will be accepted if in accordance with the contest topic.
Building Smart Cities will take into consideration parameters such as :
  1. Ability to design organised living spaces in medium, large to very large cities
  2. Enhancing well-being in new constructions and renovations
  3. Respect of the natural environment
  4. Integration of the new construction in the built environment taking into consideration cultural and social contexts
  5. Priority given to the use of local materials and know-how
  6. Eco-efficiency parameters for the reduction of energy consumption and ideal thermal performance
  7. Vision and programming about re-use, renovation and recycling


12 traineeships will be offered by the Archi-World® Academy Awards and get a chance to win a full paid traineeship allowing you to live the first working experience in a top international architecture practice that could open the doors to an exciting career! 



No fee or other payment will be required for entering projects.


06/11/2017 – Launch of the Archi-World® Academy Awards, fourth edition 2017-2019
28/09/2018 – Archi-World® Academy registration deadline
01/10/2018 – Archi-World® Academy submission deadline
15/11/2018 – Jury deliberation
30/11/2018 – Winners will be contacted
16/01/2019 – Archi-World® Academy Awarding Ceremony 2017-2019 in Munich (BAU 2019)