International VELUX Award 2018 | Architecture Competitions

Register 1 April 2018 | Submit 15 June 2018 | Free Architecture Competition |

International VELUX Award 2018

for student of architecture




This competition is to encourage and challenge students of architecture to explore the theme of daylight – and to create a deeper understanding of this specific and ever-relevant source of energy, light and life.

The award celebrates and promotes excellence in completed study works. These works can be made as works complying with the prize scope of rethinking the values of conscious daylighting design with focus on people’s health in living and working environments.

The award encourages projects that celebrate the privilege of being a student; with curiosity and with the willingness to think “out of the box” – as well as consider the social, sociological and environmental dimension of light.


Depending on the results of the international jury, a Grand Prize of 5,000 € per category will be awarded (4,000 € to the student and 1,000 € to the teacher) for the most outstanding projects.

Depending on the results for each region, a prize of 1,250 € per category will be awarded for the best projects (1,000 € to the student and 250 € to the teacher). The jury will be allowed to award a number of special prizes, including prizes for innovative use of VELUX products.


1 April 2018 Registration closes; submission period opens
15 April 2018 Deadline for questions
15 June 2018 Submission deadline; project upload
June 2018 Jury meeting – evaluation of all submitted projects
October 2018 Winners announcement and online exhibition