Railway Stations | Leader GAL DELTA 2000 of the Delta Emilia-Romagna | Competition

Register March 20th, 2018 | Submit March 20th, 2018 | Free Architecture Competition



Railway Stations | Leader GAL DELTA 2000

Valorization of railway stations as real Stations of entry to the territory Leader GAL DELTA 2000 of the Delta Emilia-Romagna.



The object of the present Competition of ideas is the acquisition of ideational proposals FINALIZED TO PROPOSE FEASIBILITY SOLUTIONS AND INDIVIDUATION OF INTERVENTIONS TO BE REALIZED for the valorization of railway stations as real Stations of entry to the territory Leader GAL DELTA 2000 of the Delta Emilia-Romagna.
The project ideas must refer to the railway stations present in the territory of the Local Action Group DELTA 2000: TERRITORY Leader of the Emilia-Romagna Delta.
Each competitor can present at most an ideational proposal related to one or more railway stations of the Leader area.
The ideational proposal should focus on the qualification of the railway stations of the Leader area with particular reference to the smaller stations and their connections with the territory.
For the qualification of the stations we mean interventions aimed at improving the rooms of the railway stations, so that they also become points of information to the territory and its services, as well as the identification of services in the railway stations and / or in the immediate vicinity that allow to improve the links with the cultural and naturalistic centers of the territory.



Publication: 10 January 2018
Request for clarification: by January 31, 2018
Publication requests clarifications and related answers: by 02 February 2018
Delivery of documentation: by 12.00 am on March 20th 2018
Works of the jury: by March 29, 2018
Public session opening of administrative documents and provisional ranking proclamation: 6 April 2018
Verification of the requirements, publication of the final ranking list together with the minutes of the Selection Committee: before May 7, 2018
Publication of all the participatory proposals of the participants: by May 15, 2018
Presentation of all the proposal of the participants, with possible publication, by 30 May 2018



1 ° CLASSIFIED – € 6,000.00 Award
2 ° CLASSIFIED – € 4,000.00 Award
3 ° CLASSIFIED – € 3,000.00 Award





